Monday, October 1, 2007

Class Cancelled! Tuesday, October 2 - PROJECT ASSIGNED

Hello Students, I will be off-campus tomorrow, October 2 in order to work on a lastminute project. (I will tell you all about it when I see you onWednesday.)In lieu of class, I am giving you an assignment. It is due thisWednesday, October 4. It should not take you more than an hour to anhour and a half to complete.Assignment: In prepreparationr viewing the Ashland University Theatreproduction of EXPECTING ISABEL, I would like each of you to use theinternet to research and write a 1 to 2 page paper on Lisa Loomer (theplaywright) and what charccharacterisesork. Again you are to hand-in this assignment on Wednesday, October 4 at ourregularly scheduled time.

1 comment:

cbone74 said...

I just want to say that not having class really puts a damper on my day and my week. And what's the deal with this paper